Portfolio of Properties
Cabins and Lands is a leading provider of world-class vacation rental properties. Our portfolio includes luxury log homes nestled in the forest, exotic beachfront villas, and romantic getaways in popular destinations. Our properties are designed to provide an exceptional vacation experience while also delivering excellent returns on investment. With our extensive experience in the vacation rental market, we are dedicated to helping our clients make the most of their investments. Become a member of this vibrant investment group and make your investment vision a reality.
Our Story
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Investment Porfolio
At Cabins and Lands, we offer a diverse portfolio of vacation rental investments that cater to a global audience. Our properties are strategically chosen for their unique locations, luxurious amenities, and investment potential. We understand the importance of investing in properties that provide both an exceptional living experience for our guests and a solid return on investment for our investors. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring our guests have a safe and unforgettable vacation experience.
Antlers at DeGray
Arkansas, USA
2022 Purchase
Escape to the Arkansas wilderness with our Antlers at DeGray Vacation Home. Nestled on 20+ acres in the Ouachita National Forest, this 5200 sq. ft. luxury log home boasts 5 bedrooms and 3 baths, a game room, and a private lake. With a gated entrance and a host of amenities, guest will never want to leave this tranquil getaway. Plus, it's just a short drive from Hot Springs, Arkansas - the number one family vacation destination in the area.
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